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Notice has now been sent out to all authors that has submitted an abstract to ICSPP 2020. However, if you as first author did not receive a notice please look in your spam inbox, and if no notice can be found there please send us an alternative email address (gmail our hotmail), using the
ICSPP2020@agoraopus3.com email address.
400 abstacts submitted in total, out of these, the following were accepted:
- 173 abstracts in 30 Thematic sessions
- 102 Oral Communications
- 103 Poster Presentations.
The 5th ICSPP invites abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations, as well as proposals for thematic sessions. Submissions are encouraged across a wide range of topics of relevance to soldiers’ physical performance.
All abstracts must follow the instructions listed below and be submitted online by midnight North America Eastern Standard Time Sunday 30 June 2019. Please note that abstracts will only be formally accepted into the program if the presenting author has registered and paid by the early bird registration deadline of 30 September 2019.
- Only abstracts submitted in English will be reviewed.
- Presenting author to be the first named author on the abstract.
- Notification will be emailed only to the presenting author.
- Abstracts must not exceed 400 words (excluding the title, authors and affiliations) and should follow the instructions within the submission portal.
- Abstracts exceeding 400 words will not be considered by the Committee.
- The abstract should be organised under the following headings: PURPOSE, METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS, and OPERATIONAL RELEVANCE.
- Purpose: A concise statement of the issue under investigation or a hypothesis or precise objective.
- Methods: The experimental methods used (including the statistical analyses employed)
- Results: Specific findings (promises such as "to be completed" or "to be presented" will not be accepted)
- Conclusions: A summary of findings that are supported by your results (statistical analyses used to support the conclusions, where appropriate, should be included)
- Operational Relevance: Must describe how the submitted research is applicable to soldier physical performance. This is a criteria for acceptance and will be determined by 2 independent reviewers on a YES/NO question so please ensure this is considered
- Abstracts should not contain any tables or figures. References in the text have to be cited at the end of the abstract and are included in the 400 word count.
- The use of abbreviations and acronyms should be kept to a minimum.
- Limited references should be used (e.g. Smith 1999) and only if necessary.
- Only those abstracts formally accepted will be published in the Congress Proceedings as submitted. Should your reviewers require you to make changes you can make amendments via the Presenters’ Portal until September 01, 2019. Please ensure you check your data carefully before submitting as changes or additions will not be accepted after the Call for Abstracts closes.
- Note1: Please do not include grant acknowledgements, or copyright or trademark symbols in your abstract. However, this information will be required in the actual oral or poster presentation.
Authors will need to select two of the following 15 tracks under 4 overarching themes which best fit their abstract.
The Optimization Cycle
• Mental and Physical resilience
• Optimizing the winter soldier
• Regeneration
• Innovation in Physical Training
Soldier Systems and Performance
• Personal Protective Equipment evolution
• Emerging technology to alleviate burden
• Emerging technology to achieve goal
• Sleep and fatigue management
• Holistic health and fitness/the performance triad
• Prevention/reduction in MSKI
• Cognition and Physical fitness
Knowledge Transfer
• Implementation- science to practice
• Monitoring scientific Integrity in the field
• Military physical performance analytics
• Basic Training as a platform for research
Abstracts may be submitted for one of the following presentation types:
- Oral: A spoken presentation, including question and answer time (i.e. 12 min presentation + 3 mins Q&A). Presenters show the research and/or findings of their accepted abstract in a Power Point presentation.
- Digital Oral Poster: Thematic poster sessions comprise 5 min viewing and oral summary of a power point projection of the poster Questions (15 min) will follow the presentation of a group of posters.
- Poster: The Congress will dedicate an allotted time for poster presentations with the opportunity for audience participation and enquiry.
Every effort will be made to accept an abstract for the presentation type selected in the submission process. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to allocate a different presentation type if more appropriate and if program space is limited.
For scoring and scheduling purposes, it is mandatory to choose at least one and at most two subjects from any of the 15 tracks for each abstract submitted. In order to facilitate the submission process of the abstracts, please carefully peruse the entire list before selecting the most relevant track. To ensure the submission is read by the appropriate review team, the Scientific Committee may reassign an abstract to an alternate category.
The call for Thematic sessions will begin on March 15th. Thematic sessions will last 60-120 minutes and include 4-6 speakers (15-30 min per speaker). A thematic session proposal must include speakers from at least two different countries, and a mix of women and men presenters. A proposal of no more than 800 words is requested for the symposium and should include an overview and rationale for the proposed session. An outline for proposed thematic sessions will be available online on March 15th.
The submission of an abstract indicates an understanding of the following rules for participation in 5th ICSPP:
- All author(s) approve submitting this work for presentation.
- The author(s) transfer(s) all copyright ownership of the named abstract to 5th ICSPP
- The author(s) agree(s) to materially confine their presentations to information in the abstract if accepted for presentation. If an author has more than one abstract accepted, each presentation will be materially confined to the information in the abstract selected for the specific session.
- The presenting author will be available to present the abstract if selected for the program.
- The presenting author will immediately notify the 5th ICSPP Secretariat if they are unable to present an abstract or if the presenting author changes.
- The organisers reserve the right to remove a presentation from the program.
- All submitted abstracts should report new information not published or presented at previous international scientific meetings.
Titles: Use a concise title which reflects the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles, and species names.
Authors: Authors' names should be typed in upper and lowercase letters (please do not use all capital letters). The author presenting the paper (Presenter), the First Author and the Corresponding Author must be designated. Please note that there is a limit of 8 authors per abstract.
Affiliations: Each author should be listed by institution, city, and country.
Abstract submissions will be peer reviewed by the 5th ICSPP Scientific and Review Committee for which there are a potential of 100 members, to ensure that the abstract is reviewed by a scientific authority in each subject track.
Abstract acceptance is based upon abstract quality, the potential significance or operational relevance, and the rigor with which the scientific methods were applied. In addition, the Committee will also consider thematic balance in determining which abstracts will be presented orally.
Web Browsers
We suggest to use Google Chrome or Firefox to submit your review. We do not recommend using Safari and Explorer as submission problems may occur.
Confirmation E-mail
An abstract submission confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. If you do not receive it, please check in your spam.




CONTACT US: CONGRESS SECRETARIAT 2600, boul. Laurier, suite 835 Québec (Québec) G1V 4W2 CANADA